Covid-19. A virus of such magnitude never witnessed in contemporary society before. Originating in a small wet-market in the Wuhan…
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Global Politics Blog Posts
china and the uk may be the winners in the aftermath of this pandemic
It seems strange to be asking this question in the midst of “a war against an invisible enemy”, as Emanuel Macron…
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a new world order is coming
During this pandemic, concerns of the aftermath of the ‘new’ world may seem insignificant but the question has raised a…
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the shape of things to come part 3: the EU will enter another period of radical integration
Brexit has arguably strengthened the integrationist agenda within the EU. This agenda has fallen away somewhat since its surge after…
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State sovereignty is the biggest obstacle to successfully tackling climate change
In my opinion state sovereignty is the biggest obstacle to successfully tackling climate change as it leads to a fundamental…
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The shape of things to come part 2: an internal crisis for China
The Coronavirus epidemic may yet have contagious effects which trigger a more underlying threat to the status quo in China.…
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Climate change denial is the biggest threat to the environment
Following the emergence of evidence surrounding the existence of sustained climate change as a result of human activity, in the…
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What does the recent election result tells us about the Conservative party?
Well what was the result of the 2019 election vote? Boris Johnson and his Brexit disciples swept Jeremy Corbyn and…
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The shape of things to come part 1: the environmental movement will turn violent
The recent Extinction Rebellion campaign used disruptive direct action, peacefully of course, and there is a long history of this…
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The problems with codifying a constitution
Daisy’s excellent article on the current civil disorder in Chile hinted at some of the problems of producing a codified…
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