Sir Keir Starmer is turning out to be a savvy strategist. In a national crisis, he has been careful to…
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UK Politics Blog Posts
Should England have a ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown?
There has been discussion in the UK of another national lockdown to ‘circuit break’ the country. Circuit breaking is having…
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David Cameron created the EU referendum because he wanted to appease the Eurosceptical members of his Conservative Party and neutralize…
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The fight for 2024 begins
When you have political pundits from The Sun, Mail on Sunday and even Guido Fawkes praising the leader of the…
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Dominic Cummings is selfish and should have resigned
At the end of March, Dominic Cummings, special advisor to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, travelled 260 miles from London…
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Will Britain ever become a successful multicultural state?
Boris may bluntly claim Britain to be a successful multiculturalist state, and although many argue this to be the case,…
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Labour’s road back to power
What with his Brylcreamed quiff and his chiselled, telegenic looks, his lawyerly gravitas and statesmanlike poise, it is easy even…
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Does the public expect too much of UK Politicians
“It is as if someone has drawn a thick red line round the parliamentary estate and labelled it in big,…
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The lock-down laws are not a threat to our civil liberties
I do believe that to some extent police officers have really overstepped the mark in regards to their conduct during…
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There is no need to codify our constitution in response to the current crisis
In response to the blog written earlier by Abbas, I firmly believe that the flexible constitution is working well and…
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